What is Twente Open 2013?
Twente Open 2013 is a Speedcubing Competition. Speedcubing is the activity of solving a Rubiks Cube or related puzzles as quickly as possible.
Where and when?
16-17 November 2013
DGT Digital Game Technology
Hengelosestraat 66
7514 AJ Enschede
How much does it cost?
The entrance fee will probably (!) be 5 euro per person per day. If you only compete at Rubik's cube you get a 2,50 euro discount.!
The venue is perfectly accessible by train. From Enschede station, you only have to walk 5 minutes to the venue.
By car? No problem either: there are about 10 parking spots in front of the venue.
Sleep? There are a couple of hotels in the area. (TBA)
For beginners...
There will be plenty of time to test the equipment (for example the official timing device, the Stackmat timer) and discuss the rules, if you have questions. However, every competitor should have read the official WCA regulations at least once before attending the competition!
V-Cubes will send us a few of their nice cubes!
How to win them?
We have some nice prizes any competitor can win by achieving one of the target times per event. For example: a 12.11 (a "Macky") could be one of the target times, but a 42.00 as well (as 42 is the answer to everything). The list of target times will be announced on the day of the competition.
Please feel free to write an email to twente@thecubeman.com.