German English


Samstag, 22. Juni 2013

Beginn Ende Event Runde Zeitgrenze Format
09:00 10:05 Fewest Moves Final 60:00 Best of 1
10:05 10:25 Competition & Judging Tutorial
10:25 11:05 2x2x2 First Round 1:00 Average of 5 (75% proceed)
11:05 11:45 3x3x3 OH First Round 2:00 Best of 2 / Average of 5 (<1:00) (75% proceed)
11:45 12:30 3x3x3 BLD First Round 10:00 Best of 3 (12 proceed)
12:30 13:10 Pyraminx First Round 1:00 Average of 5 (12 proceed)
13:10 13:40 Lunch
13:40 14:40 5x5x5 Combined First Round 5:00 Best of 2 / Average of 5 (<3:00) (75% proceed)
14:40 15:30 6x6x6 Combined Final 6:30 Best of 1 / Mean of 3 (<5:00)
15:30 16:00 2x2x2 Semi Final 1:00 Average of 5 (12 proceed)
16:00 16:30 3x3x3 OH Semi Final 1:00 Average of 5 (12 proceed)
16:30 17:30 7x7x7 Combined Final 9:00 Best of 1 / Mean of 3 (<7:30)
17:30 17:55 3x3x3 BLD Final 6:00 Best of 3
17:55 18:55 Megaminx Combined Final 6:00 Best of 2 / Average of 5 (<2:30)
18:55 19:10 Pyraminx Final 1:00 Average of 5
19:10 19:25 2x2x2 Final 1:00 Average of 5
19:25 19:40 3x3x3 OH Final 1:00 Average of 5

Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013

Beginn Ende Event Runde Zeitgrenze Format
09:00 10:05 3x3x3 MBF Final 60:00 Best of 1
10:05 10:25 Competition & Judging Tutorial
10:25 11:25 4x4x4 Combined First Round 4:00 Best of 2 / Average of 5 (<2:00) (75% proceed)
11:25 12:15 5x5x5 Semi Final 4:00 Average of 5 (12 proceed)
12:15 13:05 Rubik's Cube First Round 5:00 Average of 5 (75% proceed)
13:05 13:35 Lunch
13:35 14:20 3x3 Head 2 Head Registration at Venue
14:20 14:35 Cubikon Gutschein Lucky Draw
14:35 15:25 4x4x4 Semi Final 3:00 Average of 5 (12 proceed)
15:25 16:05 Rubik's Cube Semi Final 1:00 Average of 5 (12 proceed)
16:05 16:35 5x5x5 Final 3:00 Average of 5
16:35 17:05 4x4x4 Final 2:00 Average of 5
17:05 17:35 Rubik's Cube Final 1:00 Average of 5
17:35   Winner's Ceremony